January 10, 2017
How to Grow your Memberships Online
Now that Judy’s member management software is implemented, managing her 1000 members has been a breeze. Being in control of association management, Judy determined it was time for the association to grow it memberships! Judy developed a plan to increase memberships using these 5 simple steps purely through online resources!
- Identify
Judy?s first ?To-Do? was to identify what her specific target was- who she wanted to attract. Judy looked at current members and created a list of 3 similarities, giving her a better understanding of individuals that would benefit in joining the association. - Create
After identifying these characteristics Judy is able to create content that resonates with the targeted audience. She appeals to their interests, hobbies and values knowing it will engage them. - Drive
Judy knows who she is targeting, created content that is relatable and now she needs to further entice those individuals. In order to do so, she posts the content on certain social media platforms, encouraging ‘follows’ and ‘like’ while driving traffic to the website. - Website
Judy needs to ensure the site is fresh and user friendly for when prospective members click in. The more appealing the association’s site is the longer people will spend on it. Having an engaging site builds trust, value and confidence, perfectly representing the association. - Connect
The most important part of recruiting new members is making a connection. Judy uses Twitter and Facebook to interact with members and non-members, sharing her personal interests, as well as her life being apart of the association. With the content she publishes she is able to network for the association while building greater relationships along the way.
Judy?s all-in-one membership management platform has effectively changed the way Judy works. Giving her more time to further engage current members and even potential members. Learn more about how to manage, engage and grow your memberships with an all-in-one membership management platform.