October 24, 2017

Could Disruption Lead You to Better Chamber Results?

The Chamber of Commerce is an ancient institution. It survived the centuries by adapting and evolving. Today there is no question that adaptation is the norm for every business – but is it the norm for your Chamber?

Disruption is a big idea – but it can be a scary one. Big change can be painful, but that pain indicates evolution and growth. Cultivate disruption as a central value for your Chamber with these ideas – and you can enjoy that growth.

Disrupt the Board

Your Chamber is a revolving group of volunteers. As soon as Chamber leaders get comfortable in a role, the annual cycle demands they move on to another role.

Why not extend your Board roles to a two-year term? With more time comes more experience – and more productivity.

Disrupt the Membership Cycle

Membership dues are generally managed on an anniversary date renewal system. Some Chambers have now chosen to move to an annual billing cycle, where all members renew on a specific date.

This approach improves member stats accuracy, cash flow management, and planning. Could this work for you?

Disrupt Member Categories

Many Chambers offer member fee categories, yet offer equal benefits to all members. This penalizes higher-paying members. Instead, consider aligning member benefits with their fee.

Higher-paying members should have more and better benefits. Better benefits encourage them to remain members – but also drive other members to upgrade their membership. Could this be an option for you?

Disrupt Productivity.

Chambers deal with problems of declining membership and increased costs. Membership-management technology provides the solution by reducing costs, streamlining communications, automating administration, and more.

Adopting one of these systems may be what your Chamber needs to disrupt the status quo and evolve! Can you afford to not check it out?

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