Workspace Discussion sorting
We updated the way the discussion forum is presented, the most recently created topic will now be displayed at the top of the list when viewing all the topics in the workspace.
Member Benefits Module
The member benefits module was still appearing in the membership setup even if it was disabled in the configuration setup page. The option will only show if the feature is enabled from the configuration page.
Member Category smart tag
We solved a problem where the membership category smart tag was not populating in the application accepted email. The smart tag will now populate the Membership category name.
Member Benefits on Screen Messages
On screen messages in the member benefits area of the Member portal where not being displayed. The messages will now appear.
Membership badge text appearing
In the membership area of the Member portal we showed the text ?Membership badge? even though there we no badge to be displayed. The test will only show now when there is a badge to view.
Welcome email
Under circumstances the default system welcome email was being sent instead of the membership category welcome email. The proper email will be sent to all new members that apply for memberships.
Renewal Reminder emails
You were unable to select the type of renewal reminder (Manual or Automatic recurring billing) when creating or editing a renewal reminder. You can now properly select the type of reminder you wish to create.
Automated emails update
We fixed an issue that you could not save images or files to the automated emails in the Membership setup. You can now add images and files.
Education showing in membership setup
Continuing education option was showing in the membership setup even though it was disabled in the configuration page. Education will now show or not show in the membership setup based on the configuration page settings.
Added the invoice amount to the MMS page
You can now see the dollar value of the invoice on the MMS page and if the invoice has been paid or not.