We added the contact suffix to the recent renewal export
We have added the contacts suffix to the recent renewal export so you can see each contacts suffix from the report.
We added the organization name to the e-marketing export
We have added the organization name to the e-marketing export so you can see the name of the organizations your members are a part of.
Custom membership type
We have added a custom membership type. The custom membership is a group/organization membership that will allow you to refer to group members by any name you like. For example, you could call the memberships type ?Family? and all the group accounts would be referenced as ?Family accounts? whereas with our standard organization membership they would be referred to as ?Employee accounts?. Learn More Here.
Adding standard contact details to the wait list export
We have added standard contact data to the event wait list export so you can have more information about the people in your wait list.
The contact list will now include contacts that only have email addresses as part of their contact record
The main contact list that can be seen by going to contacts>manage will now include contacts that only have an email address on their contact record.
We added the option to display the membership number on certificates.
You can now add the member number to certificates using the smart tags in the templates area found under options>configuration>templates.