
Store order processing

We added a link in the breadcrumb to make processing multiple store orders faster.

Consent update on creating a contact

When creating a contact, the consent permissions are preselected by default making it easier to create a new contact and ensure they have the proper consent settings.

Manual enrolling into memberships

You can now choose to invite a member to the member portal when manually enrolling a contact that has no access to the portal.

Added Roles to listbuilder

You can now create lists of contacts based off their roles. To do this go to listbuilder, click the role management filter, and choose the roles you want to filter on.

Manual Enrolling ? Organization memberships

When manually enrolling a contact into an organization based membership we added some instructions and validation to simplify the process.

Downloaded invoice view

The organization name will now appear first on the downloaded invoice.


Consent not granted on free event tickets

If you had a free event ticket setup and a new contact registered for the event and purchased the free ticket the contact was not being granted email consent. The contact will now be given the proper email consent settings.

Workspace permissions

On creation of workspace, assign all permissions by default to the admin creating the workspace.