
Dropdowns in the main headers (Beta)

We added options to the main headers so you can move though the Member365 platform faster and more efficiently.

Updating the modules dropdown (Beta)

The modules dropdown will now show more options so you can easily access more of the amazing features Member365 has to offer.

Event publishing

You can no longer publish an event without first having a ticket created.

Check notes

You can now add a longer string of text to the check number area that will be fully displayed on the downloaded invoice and in the revenue report.

Saving membership emails

You can now save the automated emails and the renewal emails in membership setup without having to publish the membership. To save changes to these emails you now only have to save and update the actual email you are working on.

Add-on purchases

You can now force a member to purchase an addon during membership application and/or renewal. You can also make a specific add-on mandatory to purchase during application and/or renewal.


Donation email link

The link in the donation email was sending users to a page not found. The link will now show the donation receipt.

Printing membership form details

If a contact had two or more memberships with forms attached to them we were printing only the first form no matter which membership details you were attempting to print. The proper forms will now print for the membership you are viewing.

Financial search function

When searching invoices, the search function would not return results if you included a last name in your search criteria. The correct results will now be returned.

Denied membership certificates

If you have an active membership and a denied membership, we were showing the denied membership and certificate in the member portal. Members will only see certificates that are associated to active memberships.