We Added Instagram to contact and organization records
You can now add Instagram profiles to contact and organization records and they will be displayed in the directory if you choose to display social media links.
Removing the extra space in job description page within the job bank
There was an extra space showing in the job description page causing the page to not be aligned properly.
Phone numbers were appearing as a 0 when there was no data to display
We solved an issue that we were showing a 0 when there was no data to display in the phone number field.
Printed certificates were showing unwanted text
When printing a certificate there was extra text being printed that was not part of the certificate, that text has now been removed.
Education header still displaying in the member portal even if education is disabled in the CRM
You can now hide the education header in the member portal by disabling it in the configuration area of your administration dashboard.
Deleted form questions still appear on the application form
We solved an issue that in some cases questions that have been deleted from a membership form were still appearing on the members application. Only the proper questions will now appear on the form.
Signup form not properly collecting all mandatory fields
We solved and issue that the signup form was not correctly forcing people to fill out the mandatory fields when adding themselves to a signup form.