
Portal accounts showing in Member portal

The ability to add portal accounts was showing even if the membership had no portal accounts chosen in the setup.

Committee with Workspace not bookmarking

The work-spaces will now properly bookmark to the dashboard for easier access to work-spaces.

Ad-hoc invoice page visual issues.

We fixed some alignment issues in our Ad-hoc invoice creator.

Notes were not able to be added to the education page

On the education page you can now add notes to the courses tab on individual contact records.

Active members showing up on the archive reports

If a member has an active and archived membership of the same category the contact will no longer show up on the archived report for that membership category.

Showing incorrect message when submitting an activity.

When submitting an activity in the Member portal the approval message is showing even though approval is not required.

Collection period not being added when a member adds activity.

When a member adds an activity the activity will now be assigned a collection period.

Showing all activity levels when submitting an activity.

We solved and issue that we were displaying all activity levels in the system to a contact event if the membership they were a part of did not have that activity available to it. We now only show levels associated to the membership category the contact is a part of.

Cannot add links to renewal reminders in Version 2 of Member365.

We solved a problem where our renewal reminder emails did not have the ability to add links to them. You can now add links to renewal reminders in version 2 of Member365.

Pay now button not appearing in email for ad-hoc invoices.

The pay now button will appear in the email when sending an ad-hoc invoice so users can complete their purchase.


We added a description area to the Video library.

You can now create your own description to your video library. To do this go to configuration, video library, Video library description.

Survey questions and answers (Drop Down format) not saving properly.

We solved and issues with our survey such that the drop down format questions were not saving correctly and display incorrect information after publishing the survey.

Added a phone extension column for the Event roster export.

We added a phone extension column to the registration export for events.

Added a search in membership categories to version 2 of Member365.

You can now search your membership categories in Version 2 of Member365.

Improvements to job bank filters so it?s easier to find jobs you are looking for.

You can now search by country and province with proper results.

Changed the redirect when saving an organization.

Saving an organization will now redirect you to the organization page that you were editing.

Allow LMS assignments to award CE credits.

You can now award CE credits when a user completes an LMS course or assignment.

Adding the ability to attach certificates to Collection periods.

You can now attach certificates to collection periods.

Show certificates in the member portal and the education page within a contact record.

We will now display education certificates on the contact record and in the member portal.

Rolling outstanding education credits from current collection period into the next collection period.

You can now setup your continuing education to roll over outstanding credits from one collection period to another.