Added the ability to create gender pronouns
You can now create gender pronouns and allow your members and contacts to choose from gender options of your choice. You can do this from the Contacts>settings>gender options page.
Added a smart tag for “creditsearned” to an event certificate
You can now add this smart tag to event certificates that will display the name of the event ticked and the number of credits they have earned by purchasing the ticket and attending the event.
Saving form questions on the “save” in the question editor
You can now save the form editor without clicking the publish button in the form setup. The form will be saved after clicking save within the form itself.
On create a contact add the option to add consent to a user
You can now add email consent to a user while creating a new user, you can also edit the users consent on the edit contact page.
Training catalog loading speed
We have improved the speed of the training catalog in the member portal.
Form analytics export update
We have improved the speed of the form analytics export and move the details tab to the first tab and to show on page load.
Membership category page load speed
We improved the speed of the membership category page.
Workspace Files library files do not show unless you have ability to upload files turned on
When the workspace file library is turned on users will now see the file library in their workspaces even if they cannot upload to the file library.
Surname does not appear correctly in listbuilder when using “a prefix
The surname of the contact was not appearing correctly in the list builder data grid if you use a prefix
Duplicate Event Disclaimer
Creating an event disclaimer would duplicate and show two times in the event setup.
Member number not pulling in the active member report
We have added the member number to the active member report.
Renewal that is pending approval will show two employee accounts “wells? in the member portal
The employee account well will now only show one time in this situation.
Event Report – Registration Report Balance Error
We solved a visual error where the registration report was showing incorrect data. The correct data will now appear.