Why Your Downtown Will Love Member365

Deciding on software to manage your Downtown is a complex decision. Membership managers need to have their interests represented, but the board does too.

Balancing the needs of these two groups isn’t easy.

Membership managers want software that is powerful and easy to use. Board members want to invest in systems that present a clear path to ROI.

Finding a solution that balances these interests is a challenge for Downtown?s – but Member365 can help. Designed to meet the needs of both groups, here?s why you can trust Member365 to earn the love of managers and board members alike!

Because It?s Worked For Others

Member365 is the product of years of development in partnership with Downtown?s across North America. We?ve built and refined our system to reflect the unique needs of Downtown?s. Continuous client feedback has produce a system that streamlines management and drive engagement.

?The entire experience from on boarding to now day to day use of Member365 has been seamless. The customer support is outstanding and I continue to be surprised by the breadth of functionality. The software has streamlined our internal processes and ensures we stay in contact and on top of our memberships. Definitely a happy customer?

-Jenna Sudds
Executive Director
Kanata North BIA

Because It Eliminates Costs From Day 1

Downtowns use a range of digital platforms in the course of day-to-day management. CRM, Email automation software, event management systems, etc. all come at a cost. Member365 offers the same functionality of all these tools, but brings them all together on a single platform.

This means that from your first day using Member365, your Downtown is already saving money – but the benefits don?t end there.

Because It Makes Your Team Better

Member365 offers cost savings from day one – but also improved productivity. Member365 streamlines administrative work by bringing all your tools onto a single platform. A self-updating database means you don’t have to manage data manually.

Eliminating these tasks makes administration work faster and easier for membership managers. And with more time available for member engagement – your board will be happy as well.

Evaluate Your Options

Interested in learning more about the value Member365 can offer your Downtown? Download a free copy HERE of our PDF ?Why Your Board Will Love Member365? for more information!

Contact Us Today For A Free Demo To See How
Member365 Can Transform Your Organization